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ޖޯޖް ހާރބަޓް ވޯކަރ ބުޝް

ވިކިޕީޑިއާ، މިނިވަން އެކުމާފާނުން
George H. W. Bush
41st President of the United States
January 20, 1989 – January 20, 1993
ނައިބު ރައީސްDan Quayle
ކުރިން ހުންނެވީRonald Reagan
ފަހުން ވަޑައިގަތީ
43rd Vice President of the United States
January 20, 1981 – January 20, 1989
ރައީސްRonald Reagan
ކުރިން ހުންނެވީWalter Mondale
ފަހުން ވަޑައިގަތީ
11th Director of Central Intelligence
January 30, 1976 – January 20, 1977
ރައީސްGerald Ford
ނައިބުVernon A. Walters
E. Henry Knoche
ކުރިން ހުންނެވީWilliam Colby
ފަހުން ވަޑައިގަތީ
Chief of the U.S. Liaison Office to the People's Republic of China
September 26, 1974 – December 7, 1975
ރައީސްGerald Ford
ކުރިން ހުންނެވީDavid K. E. Bruce
ފަހުން ވަޑައިގަތީ
48th Chairman of the
Republican National Committee
January 19, 1973 – September 16, 1974
ކުރިން ހުންނެވީBob Dole
ފަހުން ވަޑައިގަތީ
10th United States Ambassador to the United Nations
March 1, 1971 – January 18, 1973
ރައީސްRichard Nixon
ކުރިން ހުންނެވީCharles Woodruff Yost
ފަހުން ވަޑައިގަތީ
Member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Texas's 7th district
January 3, 1967 – January 3, 1971
ކުރިން ހުންނެވީJohn Dowdy
ފަހުން ވަޑައިގަތީ
George Herbert Walker Bush

(1924-06-12) ޖޫން 12, 1924 (100 އަހަރު )
Milton, Massachusetts, U.S.
ސިޔާސީ ޕާޓީRepublican
އަނބި ނުވަތަ ފިރި
<div style="display:inline-block;line-height:normal;Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[".">Barbara Pierce
Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". <div style="display:inline-block;Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[".">​(m. 1945)
ދަރިން6, including George Walker, John Ellis ("Jeb"), Neil Mallon Pierce, Marvin Pierce, and Dorothy Walker ("Doro")
ދިރިއުޅެނީKennebunkport, Maine, U.S.,
Houston, Texas, U.S.
މަތީތަޢުލީމުYale University (B.A.)
ސޮއިCursive signature in ink
ވެބްސައިޓްPresidential Library
އަސްކަރީ ޙިދުމަތް
ބައިޢަތުފަންވަތް:Country data United States of America
ގޮފި/ޚިދުމަތްފަންވަތް:Country data United States Navy
ޙިދުމަތްކުރި އަހަރުތައް1942–45
ރޭންކު Lieutenant (junior grade)
ޔުނިޓުFast Carrier Task Force
ހަނގުރާމަތައްWorld War II
އިނާމުތައްDistinguished Flying Cross
Air Medal (3)
Presidential Unit Citation

މިއީ އެމެރިކާގެ 41 ވަނަ ރައީސެވެ.