Lint errors: Bogus file options

Page title Bogus file option Through a template?
ސޯވިއެޓް އިއްތިހާދު (edit | history) ސޯވިއެޓް އިއްތިހާދު ގެ ދިދަ
ލޮލުގެ ހުދުކަޅީގެ މަތީގައިވާ ތުނި ދުލި (edit | history) 500
މުޙައްމަދުގެފާނު (edit | history) Mohammad SAV
ފަންވަތް:Wiktionarypar (edit | history) Wiktionary
ސޯޑިއަމް (edit | history) Wiktionary ފަންވަތް:Wiktionary
ސައި (edit | history) Wiktionary ފަންވަތް:Wiktionarypar
ފަންވަތް:Featured article/2012-09 (edit | history) Mohammad SAV
ފަންވަތް:Wiktionaryleft (edit | history) Wiktionary
ފަންވަތް:Wiktionary (edit | history) Wiktionary
ވިކިޕީޑިއާ:ހޮވާލެވިފައިވާ މަޒުމޫނު/އަރުޝީފު/2012 (edit | history) Mohammad SAV ފަންވަތް:Featured article/2012-09
ކޮނޑު (edit | history) Wiktionary ފަންވަތް:Wiktionary
ފަންވަތް:Portal (edit | history) alt=Portal icon Output not from a single template
ފަންވަތް:Portal/doc (edit | history) alt=Portal icon Output not from a single template
ކާތަކެތި ހިގާ ހޮޅި (edit | history) The position and relation of the esophagus in the cervical region and in the posterior mediastinum. Seen from behind.
މެމްބަރުގެ ވާހަކަ:RacoonyRE (edit | history) {{int:wikieditor-toolbar-tool-signature}}
މޮޑިއުލް:Portal/doc (edit | history) alt=Portal icon Output not from a single template
ޖެހެލަމް ކޯރު (edit | history) framepx
ފަސީ (edit | history) 100px
ކެއްސުން ބަލި (edit | history) Wiktionary ފަންވަތް:Wiktionary
ރައްޔިތުންގެ މަޖިލިސް (edit | history) upright=yes ފަންވަތް:Infobox legislature
ފަސީ (edit | history) 100px
ފަސީ (edit | history) 100px
ފަންވަތް:Px (edit | history) 50pxpx Output not from a single template
ފަންވަތް:Px/doc (edit | history) 50pxpx Output not from a single template
ފައިންޑިންގ ނީމޯ (edit | history) 105px
ހަންޝިން ޓައިގަރސް (edit | history)
ވިކިޕީޑިއާ:އާންމު ހޮޅުއަށ (edit | history) thumb
ވިކިޕީޑިއާ:ޢާންމު ހޮޅުއަށި (edit | history) thumb
އަތްދަނޑި (edit | history) 100pxpx ފަންވަތް:Infobox Anatomy
ނައްނުގަތި (edit | history) Left
މޮލްޑޯވާ (edit | history) alt=Location of '''Moldova''' (green)<br /> on the [[Europe]]an continent (green + dark grey) ފަންވަތް:Infobox Country or territory
ސާބިއާ (edit | history) alt=Location of '''Serbia''' (dark and light green) – '''[[Kosovo]]''' (light green)<br /> on the [[Europe]]an continent (green + dark grey) ފަންވަތް:Infobox Country