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ވިކިޕީޑިއާ، މިނިވަން އެކުމާފާނުން

ގުރަހަ ނުވަތަ ގުރަހައްޔަކީ އިނގިރޭސި ބަހުން ކިޔާ ނަމަ ޕްލެނެޓެވެ.

 v  d  e އިރަވީ ނިޒާމު
އިރުޢަޠާރިދުVenusThe MoonEarthPhobos and DeimosމިއްރީޚުCeresThe asteroid beltމުޝްތަރީJupiter's natural satellitesޒުހުލުSaturn's natural satellitesޔަރުނާސްUranus' natural satellitesNeptune's natural satellitesނެޕްޗޫންCharon, Nix, and HydraޕުލޫޓޯThe Kuiper beltDysnomiaErisThe scattered discThe Oort cloud
އިރު ☉ ·

ޢަޠާރިދު ☿ · ޒުހުރަތު ♀ · ބިން 🜨 · މިއްރީޚު ♂ · Ceres ⚳ · މުޝްތަރީ ♃ · ޒުހުލު ♄ · ޔަރުނާސް ⛢ · ނެޕްޗޫން ♆ · ޕުލޫޓޯ ⯓ · Eris ⯰

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Small bodies:   Meteoroids · Asteroids (Asteroid belt) · Centaurs · TNOs (Kuiper belt/Scattered disc) · Comets (Oort cloud)
See also astronomical objects, the solar system's list of objects, sorted by radius or mass, and the Solar System Portal