ޤިސްމު:Coordinates templates
This category is for templates with fields for specific coordinates.
ފަންވަތް:Commons cat Sample catscan to resolve conflicts of coordinates for title line define in the main templates (Geolinks-start, coor title dm, coor at dm) and an infobox: CategoryIntersect tool (sample should find Italian cities likely to include Infobox CityIT and one of the other templates that place the coordinates: currently no conflicts)
See also: Obtaining geographic coordinates, WikiProject Geographical coordinates, ހާއްޞަ:PrefixIndex/Template:Coor
ވިކިމީޑިޔާ ކޮމަންސް ގައި މި މަޒްމޫނާއި ގުޅޭ ލިޔުމެއް އެކުލެވިގެންވޭ:
This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total.
- Coord template (38 P)
ގިސްމު "Coordinates templates" ގައިވާ މަޒުމޫނުތައް
ލިސްޓު ކުރެވިފައިވާ މި 10 ސަފްޙާތައް މި ޤިސްމުގައި ހިމެނިގެންވެއެވެ.