ފަންވަތް:Portal:Science/Portals and WikiProjects/Header
ނެރުތައް އަދި ވިކި މަޝްރޫޢުތައް | ތިޔަބޭފުޅާއަށް ކުރެވިދާނެ ކަންތައް |
To create a set of tabs, use these six elements. Keep the page tabs in the same order on all pages and use "Tab1" for the current page.
{{Portal:Science/Tab1|Current page name|color, default: #F2F7FF}} <!—H217 S5 V100 -->
{{Portal:Science/Tab2|Other page name(s)|color, default: #CEDCF2}} <!—H217 S15 V95 -->
{{Portal:Science/Tab3|Current page name|color, default: #F2F7FF }} (use for flush-right current page name only)
{{Portal:Science/Tab4|Other page name|color, default: #CEDCF2}} (use for flush-right other page name only)