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ވިކިޕީޑިއާ، މިނިވަން އެކުމާފާނުން

This template creates an inline image that is used in metapages such as Wikipedia:Vital articles and/or in user pages.

Default size is 16x16px (16 by 16 pixels) but a different size can be set using the parameter |size=, e.g. {{icon|size=12px|Template}} or {{icon|Template|size=14x10px}}.

Icon  Type  Code 
Featured article Featured Article ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Featured article candidate Featured Article Candidate ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Featured article review Featured Article Review ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Featured article removal candidate Featured Article Removal Candidate ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Former featured article Former Featured Article ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Failed featured article candidate Failed Featured Article Candidate ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Featured picture Featured Picture ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Former featured picture Former Featured Picture ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Featured portal Featured Portal ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Former featured portal Former Featured Portal ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Featured portal candidate Featured Portal Candidate ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Featured portal review Featured Portal Review ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Featured sound Featured Sound ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Former featured sound Former Featured Sound ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Featured sound candidate Featured Sound Candidate ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Featured topic Featured Topic ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Featured topic candidate Featured Topic Candidate ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Featured topic removal candidate Featured Topic Removal Candidate ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Former featured topic Former Featured Topic ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
A-Class article A-Class Article ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
A-Class article candidate A-Class Article Candidate ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Demoted A-Class article Demoted A-Class Article ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Failed A-Class article candidate Failed A-Class Article Candidate ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Good article Good Article ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Good article nominee Good Article Nominee ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Good article, 2nd opinion Good Article, 2nd Opinion ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Good article on hold Good Article on Hold ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Good article reassessment Good Article Reassessment ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Delisted good article Delisted Good Article ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Failed good article nominee Failed Good Article Nominee ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Good topic Good Topic ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Good topic candidate Good Topic Candidate ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Good topic removal candidate Good Topic Removal Candidate ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Bplus-Class article Bplus-Class Article ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
B-Class article B-Class Article ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
B-Class review B-Class Review ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
C-Class article C-Class Article ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Start-Class article Start-Class Article ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Stub-Class article Stub-Class Article ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Featured list Featured List ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Featured list candidate Featured List Candidate ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Former featured list Former Featured List ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Failed featured list candidate Failed Featured List Candidate ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Featured list removal candidate Featured List Review ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Featured list removal candidate Featured List Removal Candidate ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Icon  Type  Code 
List-Class article List-Class Article ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Wikipedia book Wikipedia Book ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Category Category ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Disambiguation page Disambiguation page ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
File File ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Valued picture Valued Picture ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Valued picture candidate Valued Picture Candidate ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Portal Portal ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Project page Project Page ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Redirect Redirect ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Template Template ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Essay Essay ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Non-article page Non-article Page ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Unknown-Class article Unknown-Class Article ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Unassessed Article ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Audited article of limited subject matter Audited Article of limited subject matter ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Demoted article Demoted Article ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Did You Know? Did You Know? ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Did You Know? Did You Know? (alternate) ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
In The News In The News ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
On This Day On This Day ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Peer review Peer Review ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Portal peer review Portal Peer Review ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Question Question ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Quality image on Wikimedia Commons Quality Image on Wikimedia Commons ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Today's Featured Article Today's Featured Article ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Valued image on Wikimedia Commons Valued Image on Wikimedia Commons ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Commons page Commons page ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Meta-wiki page Meta-wiki page ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Wikibooks page Wikibooks page ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Wikidata page Wikidata page ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Wikinews page Wikinews page ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Wikipedia page Wikipedia page ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
WikiProject WikiProject page ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Wikiquote page Wikiquote page ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Wikisource page Wikisource page ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Wikispecies page Wikispecies page ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Wikiversity page Wikiversity page ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Wikivoyage page Wikivoyage page ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Wiktionary page Wiktionary page ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Four Award Four Award ފަންވަތް:Tcpl
Million Award Million Award ފަންވަތް:Tcpl

This template creates an inline icon-sized image. Please refer to 'Template:Icon/doc' for the list of supported values.

Template parameters


The identifier or name of the icon to be displayed.

