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ފަންވަތް:Infobox lighthouse

ވިކިޕީޑިއާ، މިނިވަން އެކުމާފާނުން
[[Image:{{{image_name}}}|250x300px| ]]
ހުންނަތަން: {{{location}}}
ޖޯގްރަފިކް ކޯޑިނޭޓްސް
WGS-84 (GPS)
Designation: {{{designation}}}
އެންމެ ފުރަތަމަ ބިނާ ކުރެވުނު އަހަރު: {{{yearbuilt}}}
Year first lit: {{{yearlit}}}
އޮޓޮމެޓިކް ކުރެވުނީ: {{{automated}}}
Deactivated: {{{yeardeactivated}}}
ފައުންޑޭޝަން: {{{foundation}}}
Construction: {{{construction}}}
Tower shape: {{{shape}}}
Markings/Pattern: {{{marking}}}
Height: {{{height}}}
Focal Height: {{{focalheight}}}
Original lens: {{{lens}}}
Current lens: {{{currentlens}}}
Intensity: {{{intensity}}}
Range: {{{range}}}
Characteristic: {{{characteristic}}}
Fog signal: {{{fogsignal}}}
Admiralty number: {{{admiralty}}}
NGA number: {{{NGA}}}
ARLHS number: {{{ARLHS}}}
USCG number: {{{USCG}}}
[edit] Template documentation

Empty fields and missing lines are not displayed

  | name =   
  | image_name = 
  | caption = 
  | location = 
  | coordinates =
  | yearbuilt = 
  | yearlit = 
  | automated = 
  | yeardeactivated = 
  | foundation = 
  | construction = 
  | shape = 
  | marking = 
  | height = 
  | focalheight = 
  | lens = 
  | currentlens = 
  | intensity = 
  | range = 
  | characteristic = 
  | fogsignal =
  | admiralty =
  | NGA =
  | ARLHS =
  | USCG =
For coordinates, use

{{coord}} with display=inline,title.
