ތާނަ އަކުރުގެ ސިފަ (ފޮންޓު) ކޮންޕީޓަރަށް އެޅުން
ތާނައިން ލިޔެފައިވާ މިލިޔުންކޮޅު ރަނގަޅަށް ވިދާޅުވެވެންޏާ، ތިޔަ ކޮންޕީޓަރަށް ތާނަ އަކުރުގެ ސިފަވަނީ އެޅިފައެވެ. ނުވަތަ ކުރިންވެސް ތިޔަ ކޮންޕީޓަރުގައި މިސިފަ ހުއްޓެވެ. މިއަކުރުގެ ސިފައާ މެދު ހިތްޕުޅު ހަމަޖެހިވަޑައިގަންނަވަންޏާ، ތިރީގައި މިވާ ކަންތައް ކުރައްވާކަށް ޖެހިވަޑައެއް ނުގަންނަވާނެއެވެ.
The following Thaana font is a unicode font. It is also available on other websites, so you may already have it on your computer. This font will enable you to read Divehi/Mahl text pages on most of the websites. Please follow these easy steps to download and install this font on your Windows 2000 or XP. | |
Download Latest Fonts Click Here Thaan Font Family | |
1. Select a target directory (folder) to save the file. Download will start and faruma.ttf file will be saved on your computer. | |
align="left" 3. Double click the "Fonts" icon and select "Install New Font..." from the "File" menu on the next window as shown in figure. | |
align="left" 3. Double click the "Fonts" icon and select "Install New Font..." from the "File" menu on the next window as shown in figure. | |
align="left" 4. Navigate to the directory in which you had downloaded the .ttf file, select "Faruma (True Type)" from the list-box and click the "OK" button as shown below. | |
align="left" That's it! The Thaana font is now installed on your computer. If there is any problem, please contact someone with experience of how to install new font. Note: Windows 98, 95 users can try to install the font from Mathaaran website. |